It’s holiday time and there’s lots of food around. Check out the calorie count and the distance you’d have to walk to burn off those calories if you have:
- One mixed drink
- One cup of coffee with cream and sugar
- One glass of cider or juice
- One cup of eggnog
- 10 Wheat Thins
- 2 tablespoons of cheese ball
- one mini-quiche
- 2 oz. boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce
- 2 oz. Swedish meatballs
- one slice of pumpkin pie
- one slice of fruitcake
- one snickerdoodle cookie
- one iced gingerbread cookie
- one piece of divinity
You would have eaten 2039 calories. You’d need to walk 20.39 miles, 32.88 kilometers, or 40780 steps, assuming you cover one mile in 2,000 steps to burn them off. Calculations from